📍Where in the world is Déja? 🌎✨ — Luxembourg City, Luxembourg 🇱🇺
Bridges! Have you heard of Luxembourg before? Many haven’t. It’s one of the smallest countries in Europe and is surrounded by Belgium, France, and Germany. Bridges are one of the country’s claims to fame, and I got to visit two of the three most famous. Adolphe Bridge (New Bridge) was finished in 1903 and had the largest arch in the world at the time, while Passerelle (Old Bridge) was finished in 1861, has a total of 24 arches. New Bridge was created to accommodate the country’s growing population after the Treaty of London. Old Bridge was created so people could get to the first (and only) train station that opened in 1859. The train station was located far away from the city center so it wouldn’t take away the defense capabilities of the city fortress (which will appear in a later post). The purposes/designs of the bridges are important to the country’s interesting history, and my personal tour guide was a former history major! So of course the tour was amazingly informative. — Do you like going on historic tours when you travel? Where was your favorite tour?
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