📍Where in the world is Déja? 🌎✨ — Readington, NJ 🇺🇸
Traveling out of the country is fun, but there's so much to see in the US too! & I realize that traveling outside of the country is not an option for everyone. Every summer, the largest summer hot air balloon festival in North America happens in Central New Jersey. At the Festival of Ballooning, you can see a variety of cool, themed hot air balloons be inflated and then fly across the sky. Try to spot the panda balloon, that was my fave. It’s one of the most beautiful sites I’ve ever seen! They have balloon shaped rides and goodies, and they offer hot air balloon rides as well. I didn’t get to ride in one this time; but I love heights and thrills, and can’t wait to ride in one. — Would you ever ride in a hot air balloon?